Monday, October 6, 2008

Cycling Class

It is hard to describe what a cycling class does to a newbie like myself. I am hoping this picture will give you an idea of what it felt like when it was over.
One thing I love about American Family (gym) is that they put all the workout studios upstairs. By doing this you get two workouts, one in the class and one trying not to fall down the stairs because your muscles are mush. I think it must be entertaining for the front desk to watch newbies walk like we're really wasted down those stairs because we can't control our legs.
I know everyone loves it when I talk about my vijayjay, so I can't describe a cycling class without saying OOOOUUUUCCCHHH! Half way through the class I thought to myself a numb vijayjay cannot be good. My friend who suggested I do the class leans over and says, don't worry it'll get better. I'm not sure I want to toughen up that area. But it was a very good class in retrospect, I finished it alive and staggered my way down the stairs when it was over. If you do get a chance to take a class with Ashley (Instructor) on the West End at Am Fam I highly recommend it.