Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Year

I know I haven't blogged in a while. It has been a crazy few weeks for me. I have decided to set a New Year's resolution. No not to lose weight, I figured I'll wait until they do lipo at Patient First. I have decided to resolve to grow spiritually this year. I think the more spiritually fit I am the other areas I struggle with will fall into place.
It has definately been a rough new year, as most of you know I lost my job right before Christmas. This has really changed the plans I had for this year. But I have really seen how out of balance my life was since I've been at home with lots of free time. I have been able to spend time with the kids and not be constantly on call with work, I have been able to do what I love, women's ministry, and not feel like I'm totally distracted all the time. I have been able to help Alan with children's ministry, something I haven't been able to really focus on. So even though it sucks losing my job it has had its advantages.
Speaking of women's ministry, Sommer and I are starting a class on 2/3 at 5:00. We are reading the book Preparing your daughter for every women's battle. This will be an eight week class I think every women with a girl should take. You can email me for more info or to sign up.


Toni R. said...

Hey Girl! Glad to see everything is working out for you :) I would LOVE to take that class, but I don't even get out of work until 5pm :( I guess I can just read the book, though. Alex is taking that "Family Life" class this year. Actually, it starts today. She said she is excited to learn more about "woman parts"! HA!

LiLi said...

Will you offer it again? I'd love to take it. I'm wanting to grow spiritually as well. I'll have to talk with you some time about what our family is going through, and the amazing changes that Christ has been making in all of us through a horrible situation.