Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cold & Flu Season

I hate hate hate getting the flu! And I hate it even worse when my kids get it so I'm listing ways to stay cold/flu free this winter.

1. Wash your hands throughout the day.
2. Every time you shake someone’s hand, wash yours. You don't know where their hands have been.
3. Do not use hand disinfectants with isopropyl alcohol, use running water and soap.
4. When you use the bathroom, flush the toilet before you use it, don't touch anything with your hands. 80% of the people who use public restrooms don't wash their hands. That means there is probably urine and fecal materials on all public surfaces including toilet seats, stall handles, toilet handles, sink knobs and exit handles. Use a towel to touch these objects.
5. Avoid touching your face with your hands. A cold or flu virus can easily be transmitted through your eyes or nose.
6. Dip your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide regularly. This will kill potential germs plus if you have a cold or flu, it will help you not to re-infect yourself. Remember to rinse your toothbrush in water before touching any fabric. The hydrogen peroxide will bleach out your towels.
7. Increase your vitamin C to 2000 mg daily for adults and 500 mg a day for children. I use Vitamin C Ascorbate.

Hopefully this help. Oh yeah don't send your sick kids to church on Sunday!

1 comment:

The Goldsmith's Gazette said...

DUH! DUH! DUH! Thanks, Dr. Phillips!