Thursday, October 18, 2007

Stickered Up

Wouldn't it be nice if we could occasionally act like a little kid and it be cute. If I covered my underwear clad self in stickers, it would not be cute, but grounds for a short stint in the looney bin. Funny maybe.
I also saw a kid at a restaurant asleep in his food on the table. It was cute, but if an adult does that it's creepy.
I'm watching Greys's Anatomy, doesn't Meredith keep getting uglier? Random!
We had a spirit night at work, I saw a man, maybe in his 40's. His pants were pulled up so high! What's up with that? Is this the onset of aging? Your pants just keep getting higher? I feel a song coming on.
(Tune: Lift Jesus Higher)
Lift your pants higher
Lift your pants higher
Lift them up for the world to see
And they be lifted up they will make you look creepy.
I hope that's not sacreligious on some level.


Anonymous said...

You have many questions in this post... :-)

Anonymous said...

OMGosh! I love your new layout it is AMAZING!!!!