Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Should This Be Easier?

Yes I am blogging before 7:00am. The kids don't have school today and with the time change my body still says its time to get up, even when I could've slept in, lucky me.
We watched Evan Almighty for family movie night on Friday. As I watched this guy nearly cut and pound his fingers off trying to build an ark I thought back to Noah (from the Bible). I thought how we burn these cartoonish/iconic images into our brains of what it was like to do what God told him to do. We make it seem like it was easy. It was not easy, it couldn't have been. It had never even rained before the great flood. Could you imagine trying to tell people its going to do something they had never even heard of?
It makes it more real, God doesn't call us to do things because it will be easy. In our culture we are at a huge disadvantage because pretty much everything is easy for us. So when God tells us to do something that's not easy we feel like we are martyrs. It's like I told the ladies at Bloom, God never said we would have a stress free life.
And then in this movie God kept trying to tell Evan what he wanted him to do and he saw it but wouldn't see it. Which is what alot of us do, we know what God wants from us and we just keep pushing it to the back burner, or acting like we're clueless and can't figure it out. The thing about God is he thinks big picture, unlike us alot of times. He knows why he's telling us to do certain things because of the ripple effect it will have. Who knows he may call you to do something that won't make sense until your dead. Think about Moses, I can't imagine what was going on in his mind when he never reached the Promiseland after being in the desert for 40 yrs. Talk about second guessing yourself.
But the nice thing to remember about these people is they were just that-people. They had issues just like all of us. They had family issues and problems just like you and me. God doesn't say we have to be perfect to be useful. Thank Goodness!


The Goldsmith's Gazette said...

Wow, very insightful for 7 AM! Maybe you should be doing this daily!

Anonymous said...

Great Post Honey!
Wow, what wisdom you do have!
Love You,