Saturday, September 1, 2007

Lazy Day

Today was a lazy day for sure. I was in my pj's until almost noon. We had to go to Sam's to buy a small brisket for a bbq tomorrow.
Sam's Club is famous for its samples. It just happened to be lunch time so I was happy and let the kids frequent the sample tables. Then I wondered if anyone else felt as guilty as I do for not making small talk with the sample ladies, who are usually old and tired of being on thier feet. It seems so mean to just snatch their food and walk away, knowing I have no intention of buying whatever it is they are pedaling.
Also, is it me or do samples taste better than any other kind of food? My entire family, myself included, waited in line like we were in a third world country in the soup line for a kilbasa sausage. Which we ate like it was the best thing we'd ever had. What is it in the human brain that makes us loooovee a sample?
I sampled alot during the grand opening of the Chick-fil-A in Culpepper. It was always maddening to me to ask "would you like a brownie" and get a no. Then I would say they are free and that person would take it and start asking for enough to feed their entire extended family. Its crazy.


Anthony Burns said...

The brisket was really good...

jjtv said...

The salsa lady at Sam's always looks at me funny when I ask for some for my 2 year old. I think she's on to me.